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Versi Penuh: [HELP] Copy Flash Game Ke Excel
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Salam, baru2 ni aku lawat satu laman web ni yang mengandungi banyak game2 flash yang best2.
Teringin pulak nak copy ke Microsoft Excel (macam yang pernah diterima melalui email), supaya boleh main offline.

Ni laman web flash tu (aku main motocross masa ni):


Siapa yang tahu, ada idea tu, ttg bagaimana nak copy ke Excel, bolehlah kongsi ilmu ye.
1. Firstly, in Excel 2003 and below, open the control toolbox. Or in Excel 2007, choose the Developer tab and then, in the "Controls" section, choose "insert".

2. Choose "More controls", then "Shockwave Flash Object". Drag a rectangle to the size of your choice. Right-click, choose "Properties".

3. In the "Properties" dialog, scroll to the top and there should be a heading called "custom". In the box next to this, when you click it, a button with "..." should appear. Click this button. A window will appear.

4. In one of the boxes in this window you need to enter the full URL of your flash object, e.g C:\flashthing.swf

5. If you want the flash object to be saved in the Excel document (this is essential), check the box next to "Embed Movie".

6. Change the rest of the settings to your liking. Click "OK", save the spreadsheet, close it and open it. Ta-dah!
1. Firstly, in Excel 2003 and below, open the control toolbox. Or in Excel 2007, choose the Developer tab and then, in the "Controls" section, choose "insert".

Sori, aku tak jumpa first step ni kat dalam Excel 2007. Tips please.
bodoh jer aku nie
ko click dekat office button yang sebelah kiri atas tue..

pastu nanti cari dekat bawah excel option

then cari developer tab.. tanda kat kotak die.. pastu click ok nanti ade la
QUOTE (bodoh jer aku nie @ Jul 20 2009, 09:33 AM) *
ko click dekat office button yang sebelah kiri atas tue..

pastu nanti cari dekat bawah excel option

then cari developer tab.. tanda kat kotak die.. pastu click ok nanti ade la

Thanks, tapi aku tak jumpa jugak developer tab, tab2 lain ada la. unsure.gif

bodoh jer aku nie
yang oo yang.. click dekat popular dekat sebelah kiri tue... pastu nanti ade option untuk developer tab dekat sebelah kanan die..

Thanks mate, dah jumpa dah developer tab tu. smile.gif

Aku cuba step2 tu, apa2 hal nanti, aku roger balik. TQ.
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